Role Of Establishment In Pakistani Politics


The establishment, often referred to as the "deep state" or the "military establishment," has played a significant role in Pakistani politics throughout the country's history. The establishment comprises the military, intelligence agencies, and influential elements within the bureaucracy. While it is challenging to provide an exhaustive analysis due to the complexity of the subject, I can provide a general overview of the establishment's role.

  1. Political Influence: The establishment has historically exerted considerable influence over political affairs in Pakistan. This influence has been exercised through direct military rule, indirect control, or behind-the-scenes manipulation. Several military coups have taken place in Pakistan, leading to prolonged periods of military rule. Even during civilian governments, the establishment has often influenced decision-making processes and policy outcomes, particularly on matters related to national security and foreign policy.

  2. Security Concerns: Given Pakistan's geopolitical challenges, including its volatile relationship with India and the presence of militant groups, the establishment has considered itself the guardian of national security. The military and intelligence agencies have maintained significant control over defense and security policies, often overshadowing civilian institutions. This influence stems from the establishment's belief that it is better equipped to protect Pakistan's interests in a hostile region.

  3. Regional Balance of Power: The establishment has sought to maintain a balance of power within the region. Pakistan's relations with neighboring countries, especially India and Afghanistan, have been shaped to a large extent by the establishment's strategic calculations. This has involved supporting proxies and influencing political developments in these countries to safeguard Pakistan's perceived interests.

  4. Economic Interests: The establishment has also maintained a stake in Pakistan's economy, with interests in various sectors such as defense production, real estate, and infrastructure. This economic involvement provides the establishment with additional leverage and influence over political decision-making.

  5. Media Control: The establishment has traditionally exercised control over media outlets, using them as a tool to shape public opinion and maintain its narrative. This control has involved influencing editorial policies, exerting pressure on journalists, and manipulating the dissemination of information to serve its interests.

It is important to note that while the establishment has exerted significant influence, Pakistan's political landscape is diverse and complex. The country has also witnessed periods of civilian rule, democratic transitions, and movements advocating for increased civilian control over governance. The role of the establishment in Pakistani politics continues to evolve, and its influence has faced challenges and criticisms from various segments of society seeking a more inclusive and participatory democratic system.


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